Early Diagnosis & Intervention for
Developmental Delay (0 - 3yrs)
Child development is a basic science of child health care. Here is the key to best outcome the development delays to attain better future.
Child development is a basic science of child health care. Here is the key to best outcome the development delays to attain better future.
After the tremendous success of the 4th national conference on Functional Management of Developmental Disabilities, there were several requests from delegates who attended the conference and from those who missed the conference due to various reasons for further training and practical tips in management of developmental disorders and disabilities. All practitioners realize that they are encountering more and more children in their practice with developmental disorders which they are not equipped to deal with. 15-18% of all children have varying degrees of developmental and behavioral problems. With increased survival of extreme premature and low birth babies, there is also an increase in the number of children with developmental disorders.
Early diagnosis and early intervention is the key to best outcome in these children because the critical period of development is usually within the first 5 years of life for most streams of development.
Pediatricians are the first professionals approached by parents and therefore pediatricians have to be well versed in normal development and the differences in development in all streams. Pediatricians should be aware of early presenting features and principles of assessment and evaluation and early intervention
In many places, trained therapists may not be available to help the practitioners in early intervention. In such scenarios the practicing pediatrician should be able to guide the family with a home program for developmental therapy and other simple behavioral modifications.
With the Prevalence of developmental disorders are on the rise and need of equipping primary care practitioners in developmental disorders, Dr. Nandini Mundkur developed this online resource to teach foundational principles in the area of child development to help professionals gain clinical acumen in Developmental Pediatrics
Over 100+ pediatricians have successfully completed the course in the past 8-9 years of its online presence. This course will also serves as foundation for primary care practitioners before they take the IAP fellowship program in Developmental Pediatrics
To be able to recognize developmental disorders early, various ways of presentation, developmental screening, carry out a developmental assessment, medical evaluations, make a diagnosis and formulate and carry out a developmental intervention plan and follow up after diagnosis.
The course will be in 12 modules with assignments and/or review questions at the end of each module
Medical Director and Developmental Pediatrician,
Centre for Child Development and Disabilities, Bangalore